40-Yards of Gold speed challenge with Chad Johnson, June 29, 2019

6/29/2019 = 6+29+20+19 = 74
6/29/2019 = 6+29+(2+0+1+9) = 47
6/29/2019 = 6+2+9+2+0+1+9 = 29 (Offense = 29) (Football = 29)
6/29/19 = 6+29+19 = 54 (40-yards of Gold = 54) (Jacoby Ford = 54)
6/29 = 6+29 = 35 (BB&T Center = 35) (40-yard-dash = 35)

June 29 is the 180th day of the year, leaving 185-days remaining.

Sunrise = 84; 40 Yard Dash = 84

One man's name sums to 40 (40-yard-dash...):
Alvin Karma

One man's name sums to 171 (40-Yards of Gold = 171) (Tourney is 171-days after Johnson's bd)
Jacoby Ford
*The tournament is hosted by Chad Johnson... *Ochocinco

One man's name sums to 54 (40-Yards of Gold = 54)
Jacoby Ford

Two men's names sum to 58 (40-Yards of Gold = 58)
Kevin Snead
Trae Waynes
*Defense = 58 (Waynes is from the defense side)

Two men's names sum to 80 (40-Yard Dash = 80)
Marquise Goodwin
Terrel Sinkfield

It is...

78-days after Ginn Jr.'s birthday
337-days after Ford's birthday (68th prime)

339-days after Kamara's birthday
51-days after Anderson's birthday

331-days after Badet's birthday (67th prime)
297-days after James' birthday

222-days (223) after Goodwin's birthday (223, 48th prime)
219-days after Snead's birthday

122-days after Myrick's birthday
46-days (47) after James II birthday; 47 date numerology

233-days after Jackson's birthday
339-days after Wayne's birthday

83-days (84) after Rogers-Cromartie birthday (Football = 83) (40 Yard Dash = 84) (Forty = 84)
*Rogers-C is 33-years-old; Sunrise = 33 / 84; 40-yard-dash = 84
341-days after Robinson's birthday

201-days after Sinkfield's birthday
281-days after Franklin III's birthday (60th prime)
*84-days to upcoming birthday for Franklin III (Sunrise = 84) (Forty-yard-dash = 84)

The event is hosted by Chad Johnson.  It is 171-days after his 41st birthday.

Jacoby Ford is the only guy who sums to 171.

Goodwin +205 *Fasted official 40 time at combine
Badet +500
Sinkfield +700
Franklin +700 *Fasted unofficial 40-time (NFL practice squad player)
Myrick +800
Ford +850 *One of top 40 times at combine all-time
Ginn +900
Jackson +1000
Kamara +1200
Rogers-Crom. +1500
Snead +2000
James +2500
Anderson +2800
Robinson +2800
Waynes +3300
James II +3500

*Ford started off as biggest underdog

*Fasted 40-times all-time:


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