Washington Redskins considering changing their name (and Cleveland Indians), July 3, 2020



On July 3, 2020, the Redskins and the Indians, who are used in rituals together often, are debating on changing their names, in the wake of post George Floyd America.  Notice the word 'native' sums to 37, and today has been full of 37 in sports:  https://gematriaeffect.news/mlb-cancels-2020-all-star-game-and-announces-la-will-host-in-2020-july-3-2020/

3/7/2020 = 3+7+20+20 = 50 *Washington = 50 *America = 50

Recall, the United States is still 243 years old.

And don't forget the Chiefs won the Super Bowl this year, in a ritual synced with Doug Williams, the first black QB to win the Super Bowl, playing with the Washington Redskins.

Today is 37 days to Doug Williams upcoming birthday, August 9, 2020,

He is from the town of Zachary.

His full name Douglas Lee Williams, sums to 73, and the date can be expressed 7/3 as well.

In light of the Washington Redskins entering their 89th season, it is notable that Doug Williams birthday is August 9, or 8/9.  Remember, 89 is the 11th prime and 'black' sums to 11.

Black = 2+3+1+3+2 = 11


A name being considered for the Redskins is Redtails, named after Tuskegee Airmen.

The name Washington Redtails sums to 218 and 83.

Football = 83
TRUMP = 218

The name Redtails alone is interesting for several reasons.

Trump = 88

Notice with Simple, it sums to 88.  That is how many seasons the Redskins have existed.

Further, both 88 and 34 breakdown to 7, a football number.  The goal each possession, is to put 7 points on the board.  As for 128 and 56, they are 11 in numerology, and that is how many men are on each team.  11 is the master number.  The 56 also stands out, because it is the number of the year, and 'Washington D.C.' sums to 56, the same as 'Society of Jesus'.

Read about the upcoming Tuskegee Airmen quarter, with a 42 on it, the 56th quarter, and last quarter, in the series:  https://gematriaeffect.news/the-42-tribute-on-the-tuskegee-airmen-quarter-to-release-february-of-2021/


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